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Fill out this secure digital “connect card” if you’re a
first time guest and we’ll be sure to pray for you.  


Every week at 10am

– Gatherings are focused on our core discipleship practices:
Truth, Worship, Community and Mission

– Be sure to stop by the coffee table and the bookstore in the lobby

– Parking is across the street in the Welch Library parking lot


We believe that our children need fun, faithful time together as the church gathers.  Each week after worship ends in the sanctuary children ages pre-K through 5th grade are invited to go to RC Kids where a team of trained, background checked volunteers will be ready with fun and valuable lessons and games.  We pray this is a time your children cheris and that it also allows for parents in the church to focus on the Word during the gathering. 

– We suggest getting your kiddo’s checked in ahead of time in the lobby

– Classes are separated by Pre-K (ages 3-5) and Elementary (grades 1-5)

– There is also a non-staffed nursery/cry room in the RC Kids hallway.  Parents are welcome to use as needed and can enjoy service through a live-stream monitor as they care for their little ones


 Small groups are already active across the county!


Interested? Contact Paul Dick at (724)840-9303 or message us on Facebook

Our current schedule and details are in TheLoop